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March 15, 2016
Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 15, 2016 – 3 pm
Meeting Minutes  -  PBMLP

3:02 PM   Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman and T.A. Nina Nazarian, Asst. Mgr Marty Dell’Erba, Phil Leaman, John Kowaleski, several contractors and residents
        Representatives were in from Fujitsu Network Communications, Todd Fidler and Mitch Drake. They described how their firm is an original in the industry and works all over the country, and is a comprehensive authority on broadband networks, handling start to finish the engineering design, build-out, operations and maintenance—and making everything on the backside. The firm is on the state’s procurement list, so they’re already approved on COMMB.
Stan explained the restrictions around MGL Ch. 30 & 39M with procurement and the fact that the design firm cannot bid on the construction. He outlined the ‘Invitation For Bids’ as it applies to design firms and noted that this meeting was replacing a ‘Request For Qualifications’ process. He described how much preliminary work the town has done so far, and the town gets its own permits (building and electrical) so there’s no fee. There is a Google Earth KMZ file available which shows GPS locations of all poles, the pole attachment licenses are to be paid for and finalized within a week or so.  The fiber lines are manufactured at Corning Glass and ordered from a distributer. Sharon Tierney from Graybar was present, and reported on ordering and turnaround times. The fiber equipment has a 25-year warrantee when installed by an authorized contractor (like Fujitsu).
3:45 PM  Stan described the policy of PBMLP installations to the home for the $200 fee, the ‘drop’ is included for aerials or accessible conduit, and covers the first 100’ of buried utilities, with property owners getting their own contractors to bury the remaining line to the house. He shared spreadsheets/lists with ‘drop’ information.
        Todd F. will email a ‘Statement Of Work’ to the group. Phil L. described the four equipment huts the town has already acquired. There was discussion about wireless vs. non-wireless ONT inside the house, as Mike Solitro from Sertex Broadband Solutions expressed his experience with customer service and letting the ISP be able to control the wireless ONT. The group also talked about grant funding opportunities, and Stan said they had researched options but nothing panned out.
Stan reported that they are seeking firms for operations & maintenance and will likely do a ‘Request For Proposals’ (RFP) to enlist an ISP, such as Crocker Communications, as bidding is not required.
4:20 PM  The group left and meeting resumed. Nina reported on the state’s Public Records Law recently changing and becoming more stringent, but that as the law currently stands (and is not anticipated to change) all correspondence is considered a public record unless an exemption applied. She noted that volunteers are concerned that representing PBMLP may make them subject to liability.
        A message from Atty. John Ferriter outlined a disclaimer, and the Board voted all in favor to adopt the following resolution: “To the fullest extent allowed by law, the Princeton Broadband Municipal Light Department (PBMLP) hereby indemnifies, defends and holds harmless all paid and unpaid agents of the PBMLP from any acts or omissions conducted in good faith in the performance of their official duties.” The board also agreed to add a disclaimer at the bottom of all email responses.
4:30 PM  Phil L. advised that PMLD should be paid for setting new poles--about 93 poles need replacement and they need to be purchased ASAP. Brian Allen will be contacted for a procedure on payment for materials and labor.
4:35 PM  Alex Sweeney, Intern on behalf of Phil O’Brien (not able to be in attendance) indicated the website has collected 245 subscribers so far. Stan noted that the T&G correspondent will get the PBMLP press release published and will include something about Asst. Mgr. Marty Dell’Erba.
4:40 PM  Verizon pole licenses have come in and some invoices are due for payment. Lic. 1 totals $31,787.57; Lic. 2 is $20,238.64; Lic. 3 is $22309.18 and Lic. 4 is $27,209.05. The board took a vote, and Stan and Edith authorized the payment to Verizon of $101,544.44 with Jon F. abstaining.
        Stan outlined the latest changes in the policy. A glossary has been added and finalized the text concerning the homeowner responsibility for buried lines beyond the first 100’. The cancellation policy was noted, as initial subscription is a 2-year commitment. Some discussion about completion time for the whole install, and agreement that system be online by end of 2018.
4:55 PM  Board voted all in favor to approve the policy as submitted, with minor edits, pending review by Atty. Ferriter.
        Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of March 8.
4:59 PM  PBMLP Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,   Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

PBMLP Referenced Documents:  Message from Atty. John Ferriter; final PBMLP Policy; spreadsheets/lists with ‘drop’ info from Stan.
Minutes Approved on May 12th

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department